Daily sugar requirements

Daily sugar requirements according to WHO is around 12 teaspoons of sugar

Your softdrink can contain around 8.5 teaspoons which is daily limit for 4-5 years old kids

Harmful effects of excess sugar in diet include

  1. Obesity
  2. Type 2 Diabetes
  3. Heart disease
  4. Cancer
  5. Gum Disease
  6. Tooth decay

Why is so much sugar placed in drinks?

  • Caffeine is bitter. Most people address this by adding sugar to caffeinated beverages.
  • Straight coffee (no milk, no sugar) is zero-calorie and sugar-free, but bitter so it is sweetened to improve flavor.
  • Energy Drinks contain lots of sugar, particularly those that are juice/soda combinations. Rockstar Juiced and Punched are very high in sugar.

For more information click here: Sugar content in my drink